Photographing neighbourhood corner stores is always interesting due to their unique siting in an area, the architecture, signage and window displays.
All posts filed under Saanich
Taber Music School, Saanich British Columbia 2017
This low building has seen several different commercial lives but currently houses a music school, readily apparent not only from the sign but but by the musical note decor painted on the outside. It looks though it may have been a garage at one point.
Wet Covered Car, Saanich, British Columbia 2016
A photograph taken early this year but appropriate now with the weather changing after so many months of sun and dry weather.
Shipwreck of the Pacific Sun King, Saanich, BC 2015
The wreckage of the ship Pacific Sun King lies on the beach in Gyro Park at Cadboro Bay. The 55 foot, 44-tonne live aboard ship washed ashore during a heavy windstorm on December 5. The wreckage has gotten more and more worn out as the owner saved what he could from the ship and subsequent storms have worn away the ship. A more complete story …
UVIC Field Hockey Practice, Saanich, BC 2013
University of Victoria field hockey players take part in an evening practice in front of the then under construction new recreational complex. The complex opened this year and features a climbing wall in the tower.