All posts tagged: Quinton Gordon

Vancouver Island Documentary Photographers

I find it interesting to look at other photographers who are working on similar projects, if only to see how they look at the world differently. Locally a number of us are photographing our immediate world, shooting land/street/environmental scapes of Vancouver Island. One surprising discovery was that all these photographers are men, the women I know shooting documentary tend to shoot people, not exclusively, of …

Micah Escamilla, interviewed by Jeff Bartlett

Former student Jeff Bartlett has posted an interview with his fellow former Western Academy of Photography classmate Micah Escamilla. Jeff is in Argentina and Micah is in California. You can read the interview here. Micah mentions former instructor, and now Luz Gallery maestro, Quinton Gordon as an influence for the classes he taught, she mentions me for inspiring her to set up drink nights for …

Creating Culture

The other day I was thinking about how culture is created. A big picture topic for sure but I was thinking more about little movements, little movements that have big consequences. The Beat movement for instance, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and crew. A fairly small group overall but the even now when almost all the originals are dead the work they created is still read …

New West Coast Workshop/Galleries – Studio 42 & Luz Gallery

It’s great to see local photographers putting together workshop and gallery spaces for photography. In New Westminster Brian Howell and Evan Seal have opened up Studio 42 and in Victoria Quinton Gordon’s Luz Gallery programs will get underway this fall. I noticed today that the first workshop at Gallery 42 , Brian’s session on the photo essay is already sold out, so much for a …